With November reaching its end and Christmas being just around the corner, there are a lot of things that need planning and doing at this time of year. One of the most important things coming up is the midterms. But, with everything going on during the season, how can you create the time to sit down and study for them to ensure you do your best?
With working comes one of the biggest setbacks in our lives, procrastination. Procrastinating, while not being something anyone is proud to admit they do, is also incredibly human. Knowing this, it’s your job to find ways to fight procrastination to do what you need to be doing, like studying.
One of our biggest distractions is our cell phones. Think about it; how many hours a day do you spend on your cell phone or other electronic devices? One thing you need to do to be completely focused is to stop worrying about your phone. So, if you’re about to hit the books, a good idea might be to turn your phone off or get a phone-locking app to be able to stay off your apps and stay in your notes.
Another thing you can do is to try focusing on something doable. Try to get the little things done to help you with the big picture. If you do this, it will help you retain it better. This is something very effective, according to Royal Oak High School teacher Tracy Crawley.
“I think you really have to study every single day what you learn.” Crawley said, “Then when you study the next day you study what you learned that day and the previous day and then when you started the next day you go back each of those days and make sure you understand how it’s all connecting.”
Another thing you can do, if you don’t already have one, is create yourself a study guide. You can recall your work using this and pinpoint what you need to do next. Hardworking student Zara Banfill ’25, is someone who uses this helpful technique.
“I start with a to do list and fill in the time slots with things I need to do” Banfill said, “ Then, I create my own color ceded reviews and will sometimes do practice question depending on the subject.”
Putting this idea to use in your studying could be very helpful. Take things slow. Try to get small sections done at one time. That way, you can refresh your mind and be able to avoid burning out and getting all your studying in. Another important thing to keep in mind is that it’s important to give yourself a break every now and then. Scotty Anderson ’27, a well-studied student, has a studying routine that he uses when he works.
I usually go ahead and look at the packet, or whatever I have,” Anderson said, “Then I take a break, for like 10 minutes. Then I repeat the process.”
So, if you are studying and you’re starting to struggle, try taking things step by step to make studying simpler. However, remember to take your time and think through each thing you’re doing. Don’t try to rush through just to get things done!
Studying is an important part of everyone’s education. It’s something that everyone must do to do well in school. While it may not be too easy to sit down and work, there are ways you can make it work. However, you can’t do anything if you don’t start, which is something Crawley had also made points on.
“The only way to avoid procrastination is to do it.” Crawley said, “Get up, put the phone down and just get to studying.”