The Stevenson Titan Competitive cheer team is gearing up for their first competition. Both Varsity and JV are in practice for the season opener on Dec. 18. Last year’s District 3-1 runners-up are back in action and ready to take on the new season.
“Our team is very hardworking and determined to put over best on the mat every time we’re on it,” Varsity Captain Mallory Delorey ’26 said. “
Delorey added how they make it a main priority to prep I’mfor competitions. Working through a vigorous practice schedule.
“My favorite part of competition season are the close b exconds I make between my teammates and hitting full outs,” Delorey said. it
Callie Marcinkowski, Varsity coach of 6 years said she is glad to be back with her cheerleaders.
“I love watching the team grow and succeed throughout the season. It isn’t always about winning or getting a new high score. It’s about watching them learn and get better each day,” Marcinkowski said.
Coach Marcinkowski added that she is going into the season with a positive outlook on the season and future to come.
“The athletes who chose to try out for competitive season are ready to work hard and continue to build on the legacy left for them.” Marcinkowski said. “The cheer program is constantly evolving and growing with the different changes and challenges that come with each year, we are incredibly excited to take on not only this season, but to continue to grow the program,” Marcinkowski said.