Captain America: Brave New World (2025) has arrived and is making waves. Anthony Mackie reprises his role as Sam Wilson/Captain America in the highly anticipated film, starring alongside Harrison Ford as Thaddeus Ross—also known as “Red Hulk”—and Tim Blake Nelson as Dr. Samuel Sterns. This film continues the story from the hit series The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.
Despite the excitement among Marvel fans, many were disappointed with the film upon its release, claiming the trailer “overhyped” the events and that much of the content didn’t feel suited for a Marvel movie. However, not everyone was dissatisfied—many fans are happy with this new addition to the story. Overall, the movie is fairly basic.
The story is set about two years after the end of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier and follows Sam Wilson, the new Captain America, as he works alongside newly elected President Thaddeus Ross to protect the United States from a nefarious plan that could lead to global devastation—curated by Dr. Samuel Sterns. The plot is simple, but it does feature some exciting fight scenes, including a highly anticipated showdown between Captain America and Red Hulk.
This film has two major downfalls: poor special effects and a departure from Marvel’s traditional style, making it feel too independent. Red Hulk exemplifies both. The transformation of Thaddeus into the Hulk was executed so poorly that the scene comes off as goofy rather than intense. According to some superfans, it is also inaccurate compared to the Hulk’s first appearance in the original comics. Sam’s wings are another issue. While Captain America is expected to have grand entrances, the flying effects often appear cringeworthy and awkward. Additionally, his wings have disappointed some fans, as they feel less impressive and veer toward the tacky side.
The main takeaway from this movie is that it is clearly aimed at action fans or newer Marvel audiences looking for non-stop action rather than die-hard fans who know every comic front to back. Overall, Captain America: Brave New World is still an entertaining watch, if nothing else.