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The Student News Site of Stevenson High School

The Vanguard

The Student News Site of Stevenson High School

The Vanguard

The Student News Site of Stevenson High School

The Vanguard


Though small, The Vanguard is bold. The publication is built on the belief that a newspaper is only as strong as the collective effort behind it.

Every staff member plays a crucial role—whether through writing, designing, copy editing, or managing the online presence. Together, The Vanguard works toward a shared mission: to inform, engage, and give a voice to the voiceless. Guided by the belief that the pen is mightier than the sword, The Vanguard upholds the principles of the First Amendment, championing freedom of speech and student expression. The publication strives to empower the school community by telling stories that matter and sparking meaningful conversations. Through its print edition and news website, The Vanguard aims to inspire, challenge, and uplift.

Please send letters and story ideas to The Vanguard’s email. Letters will be printed as space allows, and we reserve the right to edit submissions. The Vanguard only prints letters that are signed.

Advertisements are published with signed contracts. If you’re interested in placing an ad, please email the business manager. Email: [email protected].



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